Felix Kjellberg, a Swedish gamer or Youtuber, is most widely recognized as PewDiePie.
PewDiePie was born on 24 October 1989. Gothenburg, Sweden, is where he was born and reared.
Felix had been a gamer all his life, and for years he had been interested in trying to make gaming commentary videos on a website called YouTube.
When it came to YouTube, Felix was just there to have fun. And yet come to the end of 2011, things over on the PewDiePie channel were actually beginning to pick up steam
Forbes believes that PewDiePie still managed to earn 12 million in 2017.
The competition between the two of them, increased when T-series subscribers start reaching the PewDiePie subscribers.
Even in Felix’s life, there were a lot of controversies in his career which brings a lot of problems to his life. But still, he faces it and got a commendable success in his life.