Only up, the one game which is not known to anyone before is now an internet sensation. If someone has seen an update on Twitch then you must know, the latest update of only up Twitch tells the game is ranking in the top 10 games. It gained sudden a number of views on it, but what is in this game, and why it got popular all of a sudden?
This article will provide you detail information about only up which has no special presence a few weeks ago on the internet. What is the game about, where it came from, and why did all of sudden such a following start?
Read this article to know everything about only up games.
What is only up about?
First, it is an indie game which is totally based in south korea developed & published by SCKR Games. The SCKR games have only a thousand followers on social media and got more followers just after the obsession of only up games. It is a 3D platformer game, in which the punishment is always given if any mistake done and you can even send it back to the start of the game. The moment we came to the bottom it becomes so frustrating, & the people love to see their streams frustrating.
Noted that this is the only reason for its popularity. As people like to see the reaction of the steamer when they fall down and start it again.
What is the game only up about?
In this game, we have to control a teenager, whose name is Jackie. He lives in a city named Ghetto. The world of the game is very interesting as its buildings and every structure of the game are stretched over in the sky. Now Jackie wanted to live in this world and wanted to be there in the sky between the building and structures.

His aim is to go above the clouds. The game is simply about climbing up as as high possible.
However, it doesn’t include any kind of puzzles there is not even a single task that is, in between the game & no one is there in between to interact. It is all about climbing higher and higher but when you climb there is great tension because we have to move carefully. As it’s not at all easy to move along the small footing. Don’t forget that we have to start again if we made any kind of mistake, although there are shortcuts to climbing again that might become difficult for you.
Only up and Getting Over it
This game is like a game “Getting over it” released in 2017 but it is less polished than it was. The only up is no doubt that has taken a great influence from the getting over it of Bennett Foddy. Both come in the category of difficult games.
Moreover, in the game, it includes a lot of irritating elements. The game includes one feature that you can make the time slow with just one click. Through this, we can avoid mistakes and we will be able to move over the obstacles very easily as well as in a correct manner.
It is going to test your skills as you will climb up. It becomes more difficult to survive and your just one fall will become a big punishment for you.
Only Up remove from the Stream
The official reason is not known and it is not particularly not even announced. If the developer gain did the same thing to remove it from Steam. Then they may be going to see the bad effect on their image and the game.
Gamers have told that the female has transformed into the Atlas statue. The girl may be a stoles asset. Also, games have used so many cheap things from the unreal marketplace. And even used sound & images which do not have a legal license. The houses are also used from the Pixar movie up, the Disney is very upset about this as well. The game is also known as the only up-range game because it has a large number of range objects.
More about the Game
The game start getting attention in the first week of June, as it was released on 24 May 2023. A number of people start streaming this game. As so many steamers and VTubers have played the game from Japan. It number of watching is raising day by day, now it’s going around 3000 people per day playing the game.
Only Up! has failed to gain traction with the hugely popular Western streamers and is still mostly popular in Asia (Japan in particular). In accordance with user evaluations, it also has a Mixed good and bad feel on Steam. Even though the game is no doubt an engaging experience. It has far too many faults into it and problems for a complete release.
The game’s PC optimization is likewise very bad. There are several additional factors like these that make the gameplay challenging. Such as the difficulty in determining the hit-detection range of objects, which might result in falls. The game’s sales have probably been adversely impacted by the critical reviews that criticize these features.
Last Words
In case you launched the game in the default setting, then you will be able to play slowly. Moreover, the game has made a their special space in the gaming sector. It is very easy to play & the spacebar allows you to jump & crawl. The long jump can also make for the bigger obstacles that come in between.

Also, the camera perspective can also be easily changed just for the convince which is a great opportunity for the steamers. So, there is no denying that it is an interesting game that is making the steamers attracted towards it. There is a very less negative reviews, and most of the reviews are ideal from the sales side.
The Only up steam price is $3.99. For more information on various games and many more stay tuned with ThePlayBro.